Friday, September 2, 2011

The Start of Something

Well, here we are. My new blog.

At the urging of many, I have finally caved and committed to writing about myself, my life, and my thoughts. I can understand - recently graduated and in a new city - who wouldn't want to keep up with my witty stories and amazing day-to-day events, right?...RIGHT?

That's just the thing: why I've avoided this blog thing in the past. I sincerely enjoy reading other people's blogs, but for some reason when I thought about writing one myself, it made me squeamish. I didn't want to get a big head and think everyone cared what I was doing day to day. But thats what makes blogs work. If people care - they'll read it. If they don't - they won't. if you want; I can't promise there will be anything interesting...but I'll sure try!

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About Me

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Kansas City, KS
Newly married, newly moved, newly blogging...we'll see how this goes!